The Plan


Drop in your contact details to join us in early development.
We will let you know once Early Access is available!

Be the First

Do you want to be part of the first community-driven game review website? We will contact you once we have things set up for you to join.

The plan for re:viewed is a platform built uniquely for gaming.

  • User-generated content. We want to minimize corporate intervention. Reviews will come from community figures and not editors under pressure. You choose someone you trust.
  • Nuanced reviews. Games have different facets. Some reviewers may focus on difficulty and challenge, while others pick on completionist fun.
  • Anonymous success. Playing video games is a private activity that we sometimes want to share with people similar to us. re:viewed will give a place to people who want to create content without being public.
  • Reviewer sponsoring. If someone creates an amazing review, leave a tip or sponsor a review for a game you'd like them to test.
  • Modern features for a text-based board. No more awkward screenshots or guessing items and levels. Mention game-content and build a database of everything that should be known about your game.
  • Groups for specific games or series. Cross-post content from other platforms to unify everything your group needs to see for its favorite pastime.

Existing platforms like Discord, Steam, Twitch, Reddit, and YouTube host content, but none of them focus on the person more than they do on their money. Individual voices are just another text message boosting their algorithm. There is simply no place where you can build online relationships with video game-first support.